Sunday, November 09, 2008

On the FNF/LandAm merger...

FNF - of all the major title companies I have been watching - has done the best job of navigating rough financial seas and reorienting itself to a new way of doing business.  I have continued to be impressed with CyberHomes.

It's no secret that I don't like automated title examination and outsourcing but I am enough of a realist to know that much of the consuming marketplace wants these kinds of services, even if they don't understand them.

The folks I have worked at LandAm are title experts and hard working producers.  If they find a place in the new FNF structure, I'll be very happy for them, but sometimes being forced to find a new path can be a good thing, even if it's scary in the short run.  No matter what, I know these good people will land on their feet.

I'm also very happy that consumers insured through LandAm are safe and that management chose the right course by seeking a merger rather then crash land.

The Closing Specialists is an agent for both LandAm and Old Republic.  We're continuing to deliver policies to LandAm but are directing new commitments into Old Republic until we get clear notice on how the merger will impact our operations.

If anyone gets useful information, please share it with an e-mail or comment.  ;)

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